Category Archives: Treating Psoriasis

Psoriasis: Escape This Disease to Enjoy Fresh and Healthy Skin

Psoriasis is a usual skin disease that comes as lesions with white scales on the skin and also leads to weakening of skins and joints. It is a chronic disease that is characterized by red, silvery, thick and scaled patches on the skin. It is a poorly understood condition that affects the skin and also at times the nails whose symptoms include red inflamed skins covered by white scales, which flakes easily. Psoriasis can appear all over the body and can be really itchy and irritating. It […]

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Relief From Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a very bad skin condition if it flares severely. Only the patient knows what he/she is undergoing. There is no way to share the trauma of skin falling and itching. The application of medication tires the patient after some time. One wants to run away from it but cannot. How to get relief from psoriasis? Let us talk about it. Psoriasis- acceptance To accept that I have psoriasis and it will not go away for my lifetime is the first step. When we get stressed, […]

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Eczema and Psoriasis: An Inexpensive and Effective Treatment

The purpose of this article is to tell the world what I have learned from my own personal experience about an inexpensive and effective treatment for eczema. Because psoriasis is a very similar affliction, there’s a good chance that this treatment would be effective for psoriasis too. Eczema is a skin irritation characterized by red, flaky skin that sometimes has cracks or tiny blisters. It’s believed to be hereditary and if both parents have it, there is an 80% chance that their children will have it too. […]

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Psoriasis Medications

he types of psoriasis medications used for treatment depends on how severe the case of psoriasis is, and how the person has responded to previous medications and treatment. Most of the time, psoriasis medication starts with topical creams, ointments and salves, then moves on to Ultraviolet (UV) light treatment. Sometimes the UV light treatment is combined with topical creams and ointments to enhance their effects too. With severe cases of psoriasis however, and those cases which haven’t responded to other treatments, injection drug medications are used. Now, […]

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