Category Archives: What Is Psoriasis

Understanding Psoriasis

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a noncontagious, skin disease that has been diagnosed in 4.5 million adults in the United States. About 10 percent to 30 percent of people with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes pain, stiffness and swelling in and around the joints. No one knows exactly what causes psoriasis, but it is believed to be an auto immune disorder that also has a genetic component. The majority of […]

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Psoriasis – What Causes Psoriasis?

Any bacteria do not cause psoriasis. No virus or fungus causes it. It is not a contagious disease. There is nothing but body that decides if you will get psoriasis or not. A gene is responsible for psoriasis. Those who have that gene may get psoriasis if it is triggered. Psoriasis – common triggers The common triggers of psoriasis are sunburn, stress, skin injury, some medications, infections, smoking, drinking, and change in weather. Any of these can trigger psoriasis in a person who has the faulty gene. […]

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Psoriasis: More Than a Skin Problem

It is a skin problem which is not contagious. Many people have suffered from this condition. There are five types of psoriasis, affecting different parts of your body. All these types of psoriasis have different symptoms. The area which gets affected becomes scaly with small red spots causing itchiness. It is a lifelong battle with this disease, as currently there are no cures for this skin problem. These are known to occur on any part of your body such as elbows, knees, lower back and scalp. As […]

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